Saturday, September 4, 2010


I went cold turkey yesterday. I didn't smoke for a full day, and I kinda feel good about it. If I can make it today without smoking as well, then I should be ok, I think. Work was a bitch these past few weeks. I couldn't even find the time to do anything else, which explains why there was no WIP here anymore. Hopefully things will turn better soon and I can start back what I've left then; the Iron Man project, the gundam diorama, the furniture project (I haven't mentioned that before), the sculpture set project..hahahaha!! It's gonna be a helluva year end, hopefully.
Anyway, I got myself my second Ashley Wood designer toy by the company ThreeA. I think I may as well be addicted by this thing. It's fuckin' AWESOME!! It's like a mix between Mud Wrestling and Ice Skating. It's not even real! I'm hooked. Let me show you what I mean..

The whole family (for the time being) from left;Deep Powder Bertie and Square, Dropcloth Panda Shocktrooper

That's all for now...I'll update the WIP after Raya hopefully. Till then, Selamat Berpuasa and Beraya secara sederhana..

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About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wouldn't really call myself a proper sculptor, an aspiring one, maybe. giving my best to be a pro. But I do custom toys and props, paint a lotta model kits, design buildings and interiors, and doodle some graphicworks for work & fun.