Friday, January 21, 2011


A little update on ol' Pussyface. Managed to steal some time to finish up the dreads and the basic color for the alien slime crust thingie.
Started off with some grey for the base of the dreads.

Added some blacke to highlight the hair(couldn't really see the difference in the pics. I'll snap better pics tomorrow). I wanted the dreads to look more natural, so the blacks are airbrushed in blotched patterns. Seems to look allright for the time being.

 The alien resin thingie's next. Base color using Apple Green (all the colors I'm using for this plaque are the standard aerosol cans)

Finally, the base color for the dread beads, using ivory. More updates soon!

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About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wouldn't really call myself a proper sculptor, an aspiring one, maybe. giving my best to be a pro. But I do custom toys and props, paint a lotta model kits, design buildings and interiors, and doodle some graphicworks for work & fun.