Monday, August 4, 2014


Hey fellas...Like I mentioned earlier, I felt that the bio helm was a bit too big, so I started with the muscle suit. Started off with a binding tape-dummy of myself and a cheap 20 bucks body hugging t-shirt.

I used 1/2 inch thick foam (I don't know the exact name of the foam, but it looked like the ones used in cheap matresses) to form the pectorals. I looked down right ugly and I almost gave up on this...

But thanks to the missus, I managed to pull myself together and continued on...

It looked better, although I have to say, cutting and carving the foam to shape is a bitch to do..

Now here's the tricky part, I'm going to cover the foam muscle with 1mm thk. EVA sheet. I learned this trick from my good friend Jeff of Wizart Studio...

Not too bad for a first timer, eh? 
Now I can see for sure whether the bio helm is too big of not...

Yup, it does looked tad too big compared to this:

Well, I guess I'mma hafta do a new bio helmet...

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About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wouldn't really call myself a proper sculptor, an aspiring one, maybe. giving my best to be a pro. But I do custom toys and props, paint a lotta model kits, design buildings and interiors, and doodle some graphicworks for work & fun.