Monday, August 18, 2014


It's that time of the week again, kind people, last weekend I managed to do quite an amount of progress  to the muscle suit. I finished adding scales to the EVA foam skin..Bloody tedious work, but worth all the effort..after the scales are completed, I laid PVA glue all over it for the base coat of the paint later on..

Oh, by the way, did I mention that it's a fuckin' messy work as well?
After the PVA coating has dried off completely, I painted a coat of sand-ish yellow color (I used a cheap spray can, thin layers at a time) over the muscles.

..and because I'm such an impatient prick, I overdid the shadow accents. Bah! I'm gonna hafta redo the paintwork again after this.. But for now, I think I can safely try this on..

It fits!! But putting it on and taking it off again is a bitch! I think I need to add zippers to the back. The bio looks ok though..That's all for now...I need sleep....zzzzzzzzzzz....

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About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Wouldn't really call myself a proper sculptor, an aspiring one, maybe. giving my best to be a pro. But I do custom toys and props, paint a lotta model kits, design buildings and interiors, and doodle some graphicworks for work & fun.